On Hallowe'en night, when I went to bed, I asked my dad "How can Hallowe'en be everyday?" He told me that we would need to get everyone involved somehow, so I asked "HOW?" He then told me that one way to spread the word might be to put it in the newspaper by writing to the editor. The next morning I woke up and said "Let's write that letter!" So my dad and I sat down and wrote it. Within minutes the editor of a very large paper replied saying that he'd like to publish it and would send a photographer to our home to take a picture of me in my costume. Here's my letter; the first step in making Hallowe'en happen every night.
Why Can't Hallowe'en Be Held Every Night?
Published: Thursday, November 02, 2006
I'm five years old and I love Halloween. I love Halloween so much that I get so excited. I can't wait. I think that Halloween is the best holiday, and I want it to be every day.
I think people should dress up in costumes, make their homes spooky and hand out candy every single night.
If your readers like trick-or-treating as much as me, then let's change from being once a year to every night.
I can't wait for next year's Halloween, so I'll come trick-or-treating tonight and next night, and the next night and the next . . .