Friday, June 23, 2006


My cousin Jonathan gave me his old blue scooter! I scootered right away with one foot and now I can scooter with both feet off. My feet are on the scooter but not in the air. I feel like Dash from The Incredibles!

One day, we left the scooter outside on our front steps and when I went out to go scootering, it was gone! Somebody stole it!!! I was sad, my Mama was sad and my Dad was sad. So my dad took me to see Cars and then we went and got me a new one which is red. I miss my old scooter but my new scooter is cool too.

Scooter Movie!
(01:25 - 1.1 mb)

Friday, June 9, 2006


I made a robot in photoshop! His name is There are claws that are trying to grab him. The robot is going to eat his brain to make him eat himself. The wheels make him fall over into the wires to make him eat his brain and then eat himself. And that's it.

Thursday, June 8, 2006


Holy Doo-Ba-Doo! I spent a week with my mom and a bunch of other kids and their moms at a cabin camp resort. We played and played and explored and went to a farm. I even saw a snake!!!

Friday, June 2, 2006


My dad was super busy on doing some stuff for the MTV Movie Awards so I didn't get to see him all week! We were supposed to spend a long-weekend at our cabin together he had to stay behind so I didn't get to see him then either. Then when we got back, he was still working late so I didn't get to see him and when he got his work done, he took off camping with Monkey and Jared! He went kayaking and found a sasquatch footprint!

He got back on Sunday night and on Monday my mom and I went to a little retreat with a bunch of kids and moms for the week!

This weekend we're going to make up for a lot of lost time. I think we're going to an amusement park!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!