Sunday, June 1, 2008


We went to our cabin on the ocean with my cousins. My cousin Brody and I found this snake.

We started to build a fort with driftwood but decided that it was easier to find one instead... we made this our fort. We called it Monster Tree Fort because the inside looked like a monster. Olivia (The Gooch) and I made a password code in order to get in. The password was "Crab's Eyes Are Squooshy." We also had code names. I was "Big Chill" Olivia's code name was "Olivia The Gooch 10" Brody's was "?" . We used this fort to discuss plans, laugh and eat our dinner.

This is us in the tube which gets pulled by a boat and it's faster than fast. When I was with Riley and Chloe, we went full-speed pretty much and we hit a wave and we bounced up 3 feet and almost fell off and we were screaming our heads off.

This is a prawn I'm holding. We caught them in a prawn trap. We had to go way out in the ocean in boat to get the traps. When my uncle and dad pulled the traps up they looked pretty cool. When you pick them up by their legs they make a really cool wacking sound.

My cousin Brody showed me how to prepare prawns. I cleaned two prawns and I touched the prawn's brain.

At night we had s'mores and we roasted shells, burnt paper and sticks.

For breakfast we had cereal, french toast and sausages.

This is our gym we made near our fort. This is me lifting a heavy big stick.

This is me and Brody on a teeter-tauter we made.

Brody does some pole-vaulting like a maniac!

Being adventure brothers, Brody and I went down the beach and found fish, crabs, eels and sea-worms and we put them in the bucket and then let them go.