Monday, July 27, 2009


My dad went to ComicCon this summer in San Diego to speak on a panel for his work. He got to walk around the convention floor and see tons of cool things!

A giant He Who Should Not Be Named

Transformers' Bumblebee

The AMP Suit from Avatar

Mr. Squarepants

Mr. Wheeler

This is Peter Mayhew who played Chewbacca in Star Wars!

Mr. Potter

Mr. Chu

Mr. Star

My dad met his favourite comic book artist/writer Eric Powell

My dad on a panel.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I went camping with my family and Papa and we went on a water hike around the lake.
We saw a snake and thousands of tadpoles. We spent a lot of time catching them and looking for toads.

I put Mr. Toaded on my head!

There was an awesome mini-golf place near-by with lots of bigfoot stuff! There was no bigfoot around but there was a cave. We thought that the course should have had bigfoot footprints leading the people from hole to hole and that the last hole should have had a huge bigfoot statue but it didn't.

This statue of bigfoot was near the mini-golf place.

We found a HUGE boulder. The biggest boulder I have ever seen and it was really easy to climb!